<== Site Review (2009-01-07) ==>

The Bristlecone Pine (Pinus longaeva) is one of the longest lived species on the planet. Some have been aged to 5000 plus years.
Site of the Week
Welcome to the Cedar City Site of the Week Program.
The Cedar City SoW is a blog style program that simply highlights one site a week. The primary reason for the Site of the Week effort is to create an RSS Feed with regularly changing content. Including the feed in your RSS reader will help promote local Cedar City businesses, community organizations and artists.
The feed will contain two types of entries: The Site of the Week appears each Saturday. The SoW is chosen randomly from the main directory. As a matter of principle, the site of the week will not list sites for advertisers.
There will be additional reviews in the middle of the week. These additional reviews will include additional information about a site. For example, the review might include links to online bookstores selling works from a local author. The additional review might include coupons or ads for an online store. In such cases, it is possible that I would get a commission on sales from the store.
This announcement of the Site of the Week program is the first entry in the program. There will be a site of the Week each week starting January 10, 2009. As I have found only 300 sites from Cedar City, so far, it is likely that all sites will end up being a SoW. If you want your listing expedited, or have comments, please use the contact form to drop me a line.
The SoW Summary summarizes the SoW program for each of the communities in the CommunityColor.com family.